Health and Well-Being

Novo cares about health and well-being in the workplace and provides solutions to foster healthy lifestyles and motivate employees to adopt changes that promote their well-being at work.


Être en santé is a web and mobile app made to promote healthy lifestyle habits in workplace. Stand out as an employer with this tool that promotes health and well-being at work. Plan organizational activities and team challenges in just a few clicks!

The app is designed to help employees be more active, eat better and find tools to manage their stress. In short, Être en santé aims to instill a healthy lifestyle in employees and to help them better take care of themselves. Thereby, individuals with an inactive lifestyle can still participate and enjoy it!


The Être en santé app requires an annual subscription. Get up to a 33% discount if you’re already a safety group client with Novo.

Wellness in the workplace is an important and growing subject. However, it is difficult to know where to begin. The Être en santé app creates a ripple effect in people, whether they are active or not. This app makes it possible to adapt to people’s physical limitations and this is very important to me. I don't feel left out or forgotten; I feel the same motivation to move throughout my recovery.


Marketing Communications | Novo

For me, the Être en santé application is a must in any business to promote good lifestyles. Being rewarded helps me maintain excellent motivation at all times and, in addition, with my health dollars, I was able to buy new hockey skates and hiking boots so that I could enjoy my favourite activities.


Director of Administration | Novo