Drug or alcohol dependency can have a significant impact not only on the physical and mental health of the affected worker, but also on all of their colleagues. Moreover, several studies show that workers struggling with a substance use problem are significantly less productive and contribute to an increase in work accidents. To prevent potentially dangerous situations, it is essential to implement and communicate a company policy on the use of drugs and alcohol at work and raise awareness among employers and employees concerning the characteristics and dangers of substance use.
Target audience
Employers and employees involved in all sectors.
Topics covered
- The impacts of drug and alcohol use in the workplace
- On the company
- On the employees
- The policy
- The contents of the policy
- Means employed to ensure compliance with the policy
- Screening tests
- Employer’s obligations
- Cases of employee suffering from dependency
- Employee’s obligations
- Classifying substances and recognizing signs of intoxication
- Depressants
- Stimulants
- Hallucinogens/disruptive substances
- Prescription drugs
- Legalization of a new drug
- Being engaged and communicating
Instructional objectives
- Understand the importance of observing the implemented company policy
- Raise awareness among employers and employees concerning the dangers and consequences related to alcohol and drug consumption
- Understand the importance of accident prevention
- Be aware of the employers’ and the employees’ obligations
- Exercise judgment on matters related to health and safety at work in a reasoned and informed manner